Indicate your role as borrower or lender, how much money is involved and the interest rate you want to use as well as the length or your loan
Customize your loan by specifying any additional terms, such as late fees or use collateral
input your and the lender or borrowers’ information.
Sign up and purchase the agreement which includes a payment schedule and optional payment alerts.
You can print or via email send the loan agreement to others. You can also add additional people to the loan
For about 30 days you have the ability edit your loan agreement. You can make changes to the terms or other fields. You can also collaborate with your borrower or lender online
Input your and the lender or borrowers’ information.
You can sign up for payments alerts as well as manually record a payment
Get more info in our resource section (such as tips on how to deal with taxation around the loan) and join our community on Facebook